Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Pinewood Derby

We started with a plain block of pine, which after much frustration, sanding, painting, weighing, and gluing, became:

Then, the weigh in. Exactly 5 ounces!! Phew! A few cars had to be sanded down or have items removed to participate.

The 40ft track.

Each scout brings up his own car, ready to race.


Aim... Fire! He won two out of four heats he participated in. This brought him to the last round before competing for third place. Not bad for his first car!

Little man says, "mama my teeth hurt. Is it lunch time yet? Molars suck."

Or really: "waaaaaa no! No no no ehh no wahhhhhhhh!"

While we ate awards were selected and laid out with the winning car. Notice a familiar one with that huge trophy up front? (I have no idea who that little boy is. He wouldn't get out of the shot.)

Presenation time! Best of Show!!! (Or- our car didn't have any pieces fall off of it due to quality construction. Yeah!)

Proud day for my big boy.

The troop and flag:

This was the first annual pinewood derby for our den. Good job boys!!
-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

  1. that's so cool! hope you all are well. we'll be in mt. vernon for a wedding at the end of august.
